Saturday, January 28, 2023 (Postponed from Jan. 21)
Bob Janssen Field, Cal Poly
Grades K-2: 1:30-4:30pm
Grades 3-8: 1:30-6:30pm
Come to Janssen Field this December to learn and work with Mustang Softball players at the First Annual Winter Youth Camp at Janssen Field! This camp is for youth softball players who are interested in learning softball fundamentals with skill work, softball drills, and fun games.
Each camper will need to have her own equipment (please label everything!): athletic shoes, cleats, glove, helmet, batting gloves, face mask (if needed), catcher’s gear (if needed), water bottle, sunscreen, and snacks for breaks. This camp is open to all experience levels.
Please visit GENERAL INFO page for directions, what to bring, and refund policy—any payment towards camp is non-refundable.